Monday, December 13, 2010

New project. The garden bucket.

I used:
-5 gallon bucket
-measuring tape
-razor blade
-heat gun
-drill w/bit
-tree stake
It took me about three to figure it out but I can probablu make the next one in about an hour. This bucket has 16 pockets on the side and of course the large opening at the top.  I drilled 4 holes at the bottom for drainage.

The top has a Cabbage and a Broccoli.

The sides have a Cauliflower, spinach, arugula, nevada lettuce, swiss chard, parris island romaine lettuce, buttercrunch lettuce.

Bucket garden completed 12/12/2010

It is an experiment to see how these things grow in these little pockets.  I am very curious to see what the cauliflower does.  I'll keep you posted.

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